It has been SOME TIME since I have posted a blog post! Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, I have got a lot of time on my hands so I am making a point to blog! First up, since forever, is Sam & Zack and their perfect fur babies Eddie & Duke. They were wanting some last minute pictures of themselves before they moved out of Virginia Beach. Sam chose First Landing State Park, which is a great representation for Virginia Beach. You get the best of both worlds, beach and forest! There were a ton of people out that day with their fur babies taking advantage of the weather. I do not blame them, the temperature was great and with everyone being “quarantined” we all needed a bit of fresh air. We kept our 6ft distance at all times so of course my 85mm came in handy for this session. I loved hanging out with the four of them and also very sad that they have to move just when I met them. Wishing them safe travels and hope this next chapter of their lives is amazing!
Their puppers seriously have the best personalities and remind me a lot of Tegan and Eli! Eddie is a people lover but is very weary of other pups, while Duke just loves anything with a beating heart, such a good boy! Fun fact: My husbands name is Duke and my Dads name is Ed (eddie, edward).